撒母耳記上23:1-14 1有人告诉大卫说:非利士人攻击基伊拉,抢夺禾场。 2所以大卫求问耶和华说:我去攻打那些非利士人可以不可以?耶和华对大卫说:你可以去攻打非利士人,拯救基伊拉。 3跟随大卫的人对他说:我们在犹大地这里尚且惧怕,何况往基伊拉去攻打非利士人的军旅呢? 4大卫又求问耶和华。耶和华回答说:你起身下基伊拉去,我必将非利士人交在你手里。 5大卫和跟随他的人往基伊拉去,与非利士人打仗,大大杀败他们,又夺获他们的牲畜。这样,大卫救了基伊拉的居民。 6亚希米勒的儿子亚比亚他逃到基伊拉见大卫的时候,手里拿着以弗得。 7有人告诉扫罗说:大卫到了基伊拉。扫罗说:他进了有门有闩的城,困闭在里头;这是神将他交在我手里了。 8於是扫罗招聚众民,要下去攻打基伊拉城,围困大卫和跟随他的人。 9大卫知道扫罗设计谋害他,就对祭司亚比亚他说:将以弗得拿过来。 10大卫祷告说:耶和华─以色列的神啊,你仆人听真了扫罗要往基伊拉来,为我的缘故灭城。 11基伊拉人将我交在扫罗手里不交?扫罗照着你仆人所听的话下来不下来?耶和华─以色列的神啊,求你指示仆人!耶和华说:扫罗必下来。 12大卫又说:基伊拉人将我和跟随我的人交在扫罗手里不交?耶和华说:必交出来。 13大卫和跟随他的约有六百人,就起身出了基伊拉,往他们所能往的地方去。有人告诉扫罗,大卫离开基伊拉逃走;於是扫罗不出来了。 14大卫住在旷野的山寨里,常在西弗旷野的山地。扫罗天天寻索大卫,神却不将大卫交在他手里。 1 Samuel 23:1-14 David Protects the Town of Keilah 1 One day news came to…


April 19, 2020
使徒行傳12:1-12 1那时,希律王下手苦害教会中几个人, 2用刀杀了约翰的哥哥雅各。 3他见犹太人喜欢这事,又去捉拿彼得。那时正是除酵的日子。 4希律拿了彼得,收在监里,交付四班兵丁看守,每班四个人,意思要在逾越节後把他提出来,当着百姓办他。 5於是彼得被囚在监里;教会却为他切切的祷告神。 6希律将要提他出来的前一夜,彼得被两条铁炼锁着,睡在两个兵丁当中;看守的人也在门外看守。 7忽然,有主的一个使者站在旁边,屋里有光照耀,天使拍彼得的肋旁,拍醒了他,说:快快起来!那铁炼就从他手上脱落下来。 8天使对他说:束上带子,穿上鞋。他就那样做。天使又说:披上外衣,跟着我来。 9彼得就出来跟着他,不知道天使所做是真的,只当见了异象。 10过了第一层第二层监牢,就来到临街的铁门,那门自己开了。他们出来,走过一条街,天使便离开他去了。 11彼得醒悟过来,说:我现在真知道主差遣他的使者,救我脱离希律的手和犹太百姓一切所盼望的。 12想了一想,就往那称呼马可的约翰、他母亲马利亚家去,在那里有好些人聚集祷告。 Acts 12:1-12 James Is Killed and Peter Is Imprisoned 1 About that time King Herod Agrippa[a] began…
苦難中活潑的盼望 The living hope in suffering 講道提綱: 盼望的源頭 盼望的實質 盼望帶來喜樂 Sermon Outline: The source of hope The reality of hope The joy of hope 彼得前書1:3-9 1 Peter 1:3-9
面對疫情我當做什麼? What Should I do in the Pandemic 講道提綱: 疫情的思考 對疫情正確的回應 * 自卑​​、禱告、尋求神、轉離惡行 = (謙卑、渴慕、悔改) 三.神的應許 Sermon Outline: Thoughts about the Pandemic Correct response to the Pandemic 3. God's promises 歷代志下7:13-15 2 Chronicles 7:13-15
大卫 单纯的信心 信心的操练 大卫所受的苦难和试炼 侍奉扫罗 扫罗想杀害大卫 扫罗追杀大卫 扫罗 参杂的信心 悔而不改 撒母耳記上17:26-50 1 Samuel 17:26-50


March 22, 2020
一:恩典中的歡喜 因信稱義 因信和睦 因信歡喜 二:歡喜的盼望 所望之事 現在和未來 神榮耀的彰顯 三:苦難中的指望 苦難生忍耐 忍耐生老練 老練生盼望 四:盼望的結果 不至於落空 不至於羞恥 主愛的澆灌 盼望的永恆 羅馬書5:1-5 1我们既因信称义,就藉着我们的主耶稣基督得与神相和。 2我们又藉着他,因信得进入现在所站的这恩典中,并且欢欢喜喜盼望神的荣耀。 3不但如此,就是在患难中也是欢欢喜喜的;因为知道患难生忍耐, 4忍耐生老练,老练生盼望; 5盼望不至於羞耻,因为所赐给我们的圣灵将神的爱浇灌在我们心里。 Romans 5:1-5 Faith Brings Joy 1 Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace[a] with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. 2 Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. 3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. 5 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
歌林多後書4:7-9 7我们有这宝贝放在瓦器里,要显明这莫大的能力是出於神,不是出於我们。 8我们四面受敌,却不被困住;心里作难,却不至失望; 9遭逼迫,却不被丢弃;打倒了,却不至死亡。 2 Corinthians 4:7-9 7 We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.[a] This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. 8 We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. 9 We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.


March 8, 2020
敬拜與得勝 歷代志下20:1-4 (CUV) 1此後,摩押人和亞捫人,又有米烏尼人,一同來攻擊約沙法。 2有人來報告約沙法說:從海外亞蘭(又作以東)那邊有大軍來攻擊你,如今他們在哈洗遜他瑪,就是隱基底。 3約沙法便懼怕,定意尋求耶和華,在猶大全地宣告禁食。 4於是猶大人聚會,求耶和華幫助。猶大各城都有人出來尋求耶和華。 2 Chronicles 20:1-4 (ESV) Jehoshaphat's Prayer 20 After this the Moabites and Ammonites, and with them some of the Meunites,[a] came against Jehoshaphat for battle. 2 Some men came and told Jehoshaphat, “A great multitude is coming against you from Edom,[b] from beyond the sea; and, behold, they are in Hazazon-tamar” (that is, Engedi). 3 Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. 4 And Judah assembled to seek help from the Lord; from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord.
教會很難 Church is hard 但是,這是教會的美麗。教會不是建築物,不是一個思想或期望。 But, here is the beauty of church - Church isn’t a building, mentality, or expectation. 教會是身體。 Church is a body. 教會是一群罪人,被恩典所救,活在團契中的聖徒。 Church is a group of sinners, saved by grace, living in fellowship as saints. 教會是一群信徒,他們被永恆的愛聯結成為兄弟姐妹。 Church is a body of believers bound as brothers and sisters by an eternal love. 教會是罪人在恩典寶座前平等站立的聖地。 Church is a holy ground where sinners stand as equals before the Throne of Grace. 教會是傷心人的庇護所,也是大能勇士的訓練場。 Church is a refuge for broken hearts and a training ground for mighty warriors. 教會是爭戰與邀請的融合。當罪人在對 付罪惡後,邀請人心尋求復興。 Church is a converging of confrontation and invitation. Where sin is confronted and hearts are invited to seek restoration. 教會是負擔的承受者,也是希望的給予者。 Church is a bearer of burdens and a giver of hope. 教會是一個家庭。一個家庭聚在一起,撇開 分歧,忘記過去的錯誤,在最小的勝利中歡欣鼓舞。 Church is a family. A family coming together, setting aside differences, forgetting past mistakes, rejoicing in the smallest of victories. 教會,基督的身體, 是罪人和聖徒的居所,如果我們求的話,祂在我們中間。 Church, the body, and the circle of sinners-turned-saints, is where He resides, and if we ask, He is faithful to come. 因此,我記得即使在教會的困難時期, 他從未辜負過我們, 在那裡與我們相會。 So even on the hard days at church, I’ll remember, He has never failed to meet me there.
講道提綱: 一.在團契中操練聖潔 二.為何饒恕是那麼難 三.如何才能饒恕及饒恕的大能 Sermon Outline: 1. Practice holiness in fellowship 2. Why forgiveness is so hard? 3. How can we forgive & the power of forgiveness