苦難中活潑的盼望 The Living Hope in Suffering April 12, 2020 苦難中活潑的盼望 The living hope in suffering 講道提綱: 盼望的源頭 盼望的實質 盼望帶來喜樂 Sermon Outline: The source of hope The reality of hope The joy of hope 彼得前書1:3-9 1 Peter 1:3-9
聖潔 Holy 聖潔生活的嚴肅呼召 A Serious Call to a Holy Life December 1, 2019 講道提綱: 一.聖潔是什麼 二.為什麼聖潔很重要 Sermon Outline: 1. What is holiness? 2. Why holiness matters?