10/27/2021 路加福音 5,6

By October 27, 2021 Devotion

每日 诗歌: Christ is enough

每日读经: “ 他们把两只船拢了岸,就撇下所有的,跟从了耶稣。” 路加福音 5:11

每日 问题: Why were the disciples willing to leave everything behind to follow Jesus?

每日 经文:Luke 5-6 路加福音 5-6

There is so much happening in Luke 5-6. It describes the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry, the tension he developed with the Pharisees, and the revolutionary teachings that he taught to his followers. But the story that stood out to me the most is the calling of the disciples in Luke 5:1-11. When Peter first speaks to Jesus, he calls him by the name “Master” which has a meaning close to supervisor, overseer, or boss. However, in verse 8, Peter’s attitude and tone have completely changed, falling to his knees and calling Jesus “Lord”, with exact word meaning kyrios or “one who is supreme in authority”. By verse 11, not only Peter, but all those with him were willing to leave everything on the shore, including the catch of a lifetime, to follow Jesus. What made them decide in those moments that Jesus was worth that dedication? We see in chapter 5-6 that Jesus meets people where their needs are. He eats with outcasts, touches the leprous, and heals the paralyzed and the shriveled. But he knows that it is not just physical needs that they have, but rather that their hearts are also paralyzed and shriveled. In these two chapters, we not only see a Jesus who meets people’s needs physically, but one who continuously proclaims himself as Lord, just as Peter calls him. Through his ability to heal people of their illness, as well as with the miraculous catch of fish, Jesus proves that He is Lord over nature and the physical world. Through his forgiving the paralyzed man’s sin, he proclaims that he has the authority to forgive sins. Through his miracles and teachings on the Sabbath, he proclaims that he has the true authority over the law. Through his teachings, he shows that he is a Lord full of mercy, forgiveness, and grace. Truly, this is someone worth following. So much so, that the disciples would face weeping, grief, loss, shame, hunger, despair and poverty for his name’s sake. They took to heart his words when he said that those who hear his words and puts them into practice are like a man who’s house has a solid foundation on the rock. Now matter what happens it stands firm because it is well built. The disciples’ faith was not shaken, because they knew that following Jesus was worth it. That no matter the cost, the greatest reward is Christ.

Lord Jesus,
When I read these verses, I am once again reminded of both how great and how loving you are. That following you is worth giving up all worldly gain. Lord, I pray that I may also live out a life that puts your words into practice, that my foundation may be set in you so strongly, that I will not be shaken. And when I am weak, I know that you will meet me in my weakness and give me strength. Amen!

路加福音 5-6 章发生了很多事情。它描述了耶稣事工的开始,他与法利赛人之间的紧张关系,以及他向追随者传授的全新观念的教义。但最让我印象深刻的故事是路加福音 5:1-11 中门徒的呼召。当彼得第一次和耶稣说话时,他称他为“主人”,意思接近主管、监督或老板。然而,在第8节,彼得的态度和语气完全改变了,他跪下称耶稣为“主”,确切的词是kyrios或“至高无上的权威”。到第 11 节,不仅彼得,而且所有与他在一起的人都愿意撇下岸上的一切,包括一生的渔获,来跟从耶稣。是什么让他们在那个时刻决定耶稣值得这样的奉献?我们在第 5-6 章看到耶稣在人们需要的地方满足他们。他与被社会放弃的人一同吃喝,接触麻风病人,医治瘫痪和瘸腿的人。但他知道,他们所拥有的不只是生理上的需要,而是他们的心也在麻痹、萎缩。在这两章中,我们不仅看到了一位满足人们身体需要的耶稣,而且还看到了一位不断自称为主的耶稣,正如彼得所称的那样。通过他治愈人们疾病的能力,以及神奇的捕鱼,耶稣证明了他是自然和物质世界的主宰。通过赦免瘫子的罪,他宣告他有赦罪的权柄。通过他在安息日的奇迹和教导,他宣布他对律法拥有真正的权威。通过他的教导,他表明他是一位充满怜悯、宽恕和恩典的主。确实,这是一个值得追随的人。如此之多,以至于门徒会为他的名而面临哭泣、悲伤、失落、羞耻、饥饿、绝望和贫困。当耶稣说那些听他的话,并付诸实践的人时,他们把他的警告铭记在心,就像 “凡到我这里来,听见我的话就去行的,我要告诉你们他像什么人。 他像一个人盖房子,深深地挖地,把根基安在磐石上,到发大水的时候,水冲那房子,房子总不能摇动,因为根基立在磐石上”。门徒的信心没有动摇,因为他们知道跟随耶稣是值得的。不管付出什么代价,最大的奖赏就是基督。
