1/6/2021— Psalms 57-58

By January 6, 2021 Devotion

每日诗歌:Wonderful, Merciful Savior

  ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDMhpShQLn0  )   

每日读经:诗篇 57-58

( https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+57&version=CUVS )


诗57:9-10主阿,我要在万民中称谢你。在列邦中歌颂你。 10 因为你的慈爱,高及诸天。你的诚实,达到穹苍。  

每日问题 :



我新年的愿望是要更专注。更专注神的话, 更专注我跟神的关系,也更专注神自己。 我想在诗篇57-58, 大卫提供一个非常好的榜样给我们,让我们可以看到怎么在任何情况都可以专注在神上面。 即使大卫逃离扫罗,他仍会花时间赞美和敬拜神。在那种情况下,我知道我个人将求一个完全专注于我的需求和问题的祈祷。但是大卫的专注是神为中心,而不是以自我为中心。同样在诗篇58篇中,他描述了邪恶的人,说他们就像 “塞耳的聋虺,不听行法术的声音虽用极灵的咒语,也是不听”。 但是,大卫没有说要与这些邪恶的人斗争,而是呼吁神, “求你敲碎他们口中的牙!” 就像耍蛇人会为了要让蛇被控制而把蛇的毒牙拔掉,大卫也一样恳求神战胜邪恶的人。但是这样做的原因不只是为义人报仇,也是为了使所有人都看到,不是堕落的人在审判大地,而是公义的神。在这两篇中,大卫并不专注于他自己要做的事,而是专注于神要做的事。在这新的一年里,我也希望更专注于神在做什么,更专注的走在神带领我的路上。


亲爱的天父,每一天都是新的一天。每一年也是新的一年。 感谢你给我们那么多可以从新开始的机会。今年,让我更专注于你和你要我做的事。愿我跟随的是你的旨意和带领,而不是我自己的。 阿们!

Daily Question:

What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Do you have a spiritual New Year’s Resolution?

Daily Devotion:

My new year’s resolution this year is to have more focus. More focus on God’s Word, more focus on my relationship with God, and more focus on God Himself. I think that in Psalm 57-58, David gives us a great example of how to focus on God despite any circumstance. Even when David is fleeing from Saul, he takes the time to praise and worship God. In that situation, I know that I personally would be praying a prayer that completely focuses on my needs and my problems. But David has a God-centered focus, rather than a self-centered focus. In Psalm 58, David keeps that same focus. He describes the wicked, saying that they are like “a cobra that has stopped its ears, that will not heed the tune of the charmer, however skillful the enchanter may be”. However, instead of David saying that he will fight against these wicked, he called on God to “break the teeth in their mouths”. Just like a snake charmer will tear out the fangs of the snakes to control them, David implores God to overcome the wicked. However, the reason is not just so that the righteous will be avenged, but so that all people will see that a righteous God is the one who judges the earth, not fallen man. David does not focus on what he will do, but instead in both Psalms, he focuses on what God will do. In this new year, may I also focus on what God is doing, and walk where He is leading.


Dear Heavenly Father, Every day is a new day. Every year is a new year. Thank you for giving us so many chances for a fresh start. This year, help me to focus more on You and on what you want me to do. May it be your will and your guidance that I follow, instead of my own. Amen!