12/08/2021 以弗所书 2-3 章

By December 8, 2021 Devotion

诗歌: How high and how wide

每日读经: Eph 2-3

问题: Isn’t it amazing that God would choose mankind in all its weakness and frailty to be the vessels of His Spirit?

经文:And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Ephesians 2:22

Reading through Ephesians 2-3, often we must stop and marvel at the grace that our Heavenly Father has shown us. How he loves us despite our fallen nature. How our salvation is from Him and Him alone. Ephesians 2:22 was a verse that really stuck with me. “And in him, you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” Isn’t it amazing that God would choose mankind in all its weakness and frailty to be the vessels of His Spirit? The Creator of the Universe chooses us to worship his name, chooses me to do his good works. Knowing this, how can anything be impossible? No wonder Jesus says, “with God all things are possible”. Through our faith in Christ, the impossibility of approaching our completely perfect, omnipotent God becomes a possibility. God, who is worshipped by heavenly beings at all times. And I, a human being, can approach him with freedom and confidence; what honor is given to us as a children of God! Despite how limited and finite we are, He gives us the power to grasp how wide and long, and high and deep Christ’s love is. The thought that I can be filled with the fullness of God Almighty! And though God did not need my help at all, he has already prepared in advance the good works that we will do for him. Being reminded of this gives me a great sense of relief. Sometimes I fear that I will “mess up” God’s plan with my weakness. But these two chapters remind me that although I don’t know what the future holds, or what difficulties may lie ahead, I am being made into a dwelling place for God’s Spirit, and He makes no mistakes.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I have nothing to say except “Thank you”. Thank you for your mercy, your grace, your love. Thank you for not giving up on man. Thank you for your work in my life. May you continue to remind me that I walk in your strength and not my own. Amen!.

通读以弗所书 2-3 章,我们常常不得不停下来惊叹天父向我们展示的恩典。尽管我们有深深堕落的天性,他仍然爱我们。我们的救恩是从他而来并且单单从他而来。以弗所书 2 章 22 节给我深刻的印象 “你 们 也 靠 他 同 被 建 造 , 成 为 神 藉 着 圣 灵 居 住 的 所 在 。” 神拣选软弱的人类作祂圣灵的器皿,这难道不令人惊奇吗?宇宙的创造者选择我们崇拜他的名字,选择我去做他的善事。知道了这一点,还有什么是不可能的事呢?难怪耶稣说,“在 神 凡 事 都 能”。通过我们对基督的信心,去接近我们完全的完美的、以及无所不能的神 ,这就成为可能。神,一直受到天上众生的敬拜。而我,一个人,可以自由而自信地接近他;作为神的儿女,我们得到了何等的荣耀!尽管我们是有限的,但他给了我们力量去领会基督的爱是多么的宽阔、多么长、多么高深。一想到我能被全能神的丰满来充满!虽然神根本不需要我的帮助,但他已经提前准备好了我们将为他做的善工。一想起这件事,我就松了一口气。有时我担心自己的软弱会“搞砸”神的计划。但是这两章提醒我,虽然我不知道未来会怎样,前面会遇到什么困难,但我正在成为神的灵的居所,他不会犯任何错误。
