01/05/2022 雅各書 1, 2

By January 5, 2022 Devotion

诗歌: Simple Pursuit

每日读经: 雅各書 1, 2

问题: How can I put what I believe into action? 我怎么活出我所相信的道?


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22

            Whenever I read James 1-2, I am reminded of my 6th grade Bible teacher. That year, she made us memorize those two chapters, reviewing it every day with us until we knew it by heart. I can still see her acting out the verses with her face, her hands, and her voice. To this day, when I read these verses, in my mind, I see and hear her voice. Back then, I felt like it was too hard to memorize so many verses. But today, I am so thankful that I was able to memorize these verses as a child. They have truly impacted my life. James 1-2 is a call to action, a reminder to live out our faith in our daily lives. James plainly says that those who only speak about their faith rather than live out their faith have a dead faith. When you truly believe something, it shows. What I truly believe will be reflected in my actions. I cannot read these two chapters without being convicted and challenged in my own spiritual life. It’s a reminder to examine myself, to see how I am really showing my faith to those around me. If I say to myself, “I believe in Jesus”, but nothing happens or changes in my daily life, then I am just lying to myself, and these are just empty words. I often wonder if I have become stuck in my own “Christian bubble” and neglect to live out my faith in this fallen world. Or do I hide my convictions when I know others around me to do not believe the way I do? As a church, we have been sharing these devotional writings for two years already. This is my last one. So, today I would also like to challenge all of us as a church to truly examine how we are showing our faith as a church? Have we also become so inward facing, that we don’t know how to interact and live out our faith with grace and love to those who need it most? May the Lord show us how to live for him as a person and as a church! In this new year, 2022, I pray that my faith is shown more through my actions than my words.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your guidance in my life. Thank you for your Spirit in me, reminding me that my life belongs to you. May I live out this year, and every year for you alone! I pray that you will use my faith and my deeds for Your glory, to share Your name to those around me. Amen!

每当我读雅各书 1-2,我就会想起我六年级的圣经老师。那一年,她让我们背诵这两章,每天和我们一起复习,直到我们把这两章记透了。我仍然可以想象她用她的脸、她的手和她的声音表演这些经句。到今天,当我阅读这两章经文,在我的脑海中,我看到并听到的就是她的声音。那个时候,我觉得背这么多经文太难了。但是现在,我非常感谢我小时候能够记住这两章。他们确实深深影响了我的生活。雅各书 1-2 章是呼吁采取行动,提醒我们在日常生活中活出我们的信仰。雅各清楚地说,那些只谈论他们所相信的而不是活出他们信的人只有一个死的信仰。当你真正相信某事时,它就会显示出来。我真正相信的会反映在我的行动中。在我自己的灵性生活中,我无法在没有被定罪和挑战的情况下阅读这两章。这是一个提醒,要检查自己,看看我如何真正向周围的人展示我的信仰。如果我对自己说,“我相信耶稣”,但我的日常生活没有任何变化,那我只是在骗自己,而说的都是些空话。我常常怀疑自己是否陷入了自己的“基督教泡沫”中,而忽略了在这个堕落的世界中活出自己的信仰。或者当我知道周围的人不相信我的做法时,我是否就隐藏了我的信念?作为一个教会,我们已经分享这些灵修著作已有两年了。这是我的最后一个。所以,今天我也想挑战我们身为教会的一份子,真正检查我们作为一个教会如何活出我们的信仰?我们是否也变得如此只关心教会内部,以至于我们不知道如何与外面有需要的人互动,这样就没有用恩典和爱来活出我们的信仰?愿主教导我们如何为他而活!在这个新的一年,2022 年,我祈祷我的信仰更多地通过我的行动而不是我的言语表现出来!


谢谢你对我生活的指导。感谢你在我里面的圣灵,提醒我我的生命属于你。愿我这一年,每一年,都为你而活!让我的信仰和我的行为荣耀你,向我周围的人分享你的名。 阿门!