By December 16, 2020 Devotion

12/16/2020 Psalms 27-28

每日詩歌: 能不能 ( )

每日讀經:诗篇27-28 )


诗篇27:4 有一件事,我曾求耶和华,我仍要寻求。就是一生一世住在耶和华的殿中,瞻仰他的荣美,在他的殿里求问。


  1. 如果你可以向神求一件事,你会求什么?
  2. 你觉得大卫在28章4-5节向神祷告咒诅他的敌人这样的做法正确吗?







Daily Questions:

Question 1:  If you could ask the Lord for one thing, what would you ask?

Question 2:  Do you think it is right for David to pray curses against his enemy? (28:4-5)  

Daily Devotion:

In these two Psalms we see how close David is with God. David is the wealthiest man of his time and the only thing he desires is to be in the presence of God. David’s relationship with God teaches us valuable lessons about life.

First, David teaches us that possession, status, fame, or earthly comfort cannot satisfy us like being in the presence of God can. I find myself often praying for many things week to week, however, I fail to ask God to just let me experience Him more. I need to be reminded often that I do not get involved in ministry, church, evangelism, or bible studies to get Christan status, but to get God himself. So I pray that God would give me the desire to want what David wants.

The second lesson I can learn from David’s relationship with God is that it is okay to share our true feelings with God. David asked God to send many troubles to his enemies. there are times when I feel hurt, upset, and even angry about some people. In these times, I think it is okay to tell God how we feel and even ask that God would send justice to our enemies like David did. Most importantly, we must know that it Is God who gives us justice and revenges our enemies, not us. I need to learn that it is a good thing to pray for justice in the world and ask God to stop the evils we see.


Dear God, I ask you also to give me a heart that desires you. I want to desire you more than any other things on this Earth. Help me to count everything as rubbish when compared to the surpassing worth of knowing you. Please help me to trust you as the rule and the true judge. And Lord please stretch my ability to love you beyond my imagination. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen!